We welcome Holley Kirkland, RDH Oral Wellness Consultant for United Concordia Dental to present a continuing education event “Why Aren’t All Dental Claims Paid?”
Many consumers do not understand the underlying structure of dental benefits and are, therefore, frequently concerned and confused when a dental claim is not paid due to contractual limitations, policy provisions or professional determination of lack of dental necessity. This course will address those issues as well as give suggestions on ways to better educate the consumer with regard to their dental benefits. Brokers having knowledge in this area is imperative for the evaluation of dental benefits and making recommendations to prospective clients, as well as assisting their existing clients with dental claims-related issues. The attendees will be able to obtain a variety of information to understand what is occurring in dental claims review today and begin looking into how consumers can be better equipped to receive the most out of their dental benefits.
Continuing Education Credits Presented by United Concordia Dental, “Why Aren’t All Dental Claims Paid? Approved for PA Resident Producers. 1 Continuing Education Credit
Continuing Education: Why Aren't All Dental Claims Paid?