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One of the pioneers of the newly formed NAHU in 1930, Pittsburgh AHU celebrates its long history of consistent and rapid growth.  NAHU members service the health insurance needs of large and small employers as well as people seeking individual health insurance coverage.
Without NAHU, the health insurance agent and broker would be left alone to deal with the ever-changing regulations and reform. NAHU is your partner during this turbulent time and will provide you with everything you need to continue growing your business and having a successful career.


Putting your membership dues to good use is our top priority. We are the only association working solely on behalf of health insurance agents, brokers and benefit professionals. We are your professional association and we provide legislative advocacy, education, information resources, member recognition and member-only benefits.

All PittsburgAHU members receive a customized daily update of all the top insurance news stories of the day from NAHU. Members also have access to Health Care Reform Central, a members-only portal of information and resources on health care reform. Also available online at NAHU Membership Portal

  • Consumer guides and brochures for clients
  • Health coverage database
  • Wellness videos
  • Educational and legislative webinars
  • Resources for Spanish-speaking clients

With NAHU representing the industry, policymakers have addressed many issues the health care reform bill promised to create:

  • Allowing health insurance agents and brokers to sell private coverage both inside and outside of the new exchanges.
  • Preserving private insurance plans as the predominant source of coverage, without the creation of a government-run public health insurance plan.
  • Working with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and policymakers to acknowledge the value of our members and the need to preserve your role in the health insurance system.

    With NAHU working with key policymakers, your dues dollars continue to support our role as the voice of the industry:

    • Creating a joint task force with the NAIC and the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) to address agent compensation and medical loss ratio (MLR).
    • Working closely with Congress and the administration on the development of the new web portal for consumers to shop for health insurance.
    • Working directly with the NAIC and providing guidance as states establish their exchanges.

    Get all three valuable professional memberships in one convenient package. PittsburghAHU, PAHU and NAHU


    All GPAHU members receive a complimentary subscription to the Health Insurance Underwriter Magazine. HIU is filled with valuable articles and information, including sales tips and best practice ideas.

Coming Soon

Member List

BradAndersonCowden Associates, Inc.brada@cowdenassociates.com
DonaldBallaAlera Groupdon.balla@aleragroup.com
MichaelBartoliniFirst Commonwealthfcia@fcbanking.com
JohnBongiovanniLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.john.bongiovanni@nm.com
AmyBonnerCowden Associates, Inc.amyb@cowdenassociates.com
JohnBurgertLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.John.Burgert@lmbcoerie.com
DanielBusattoCentury Insurance Consultantsdbusatto@centuryinsure.com
JeffreyByhamByham's Insurance Services,Incjeffb@byhamins.com
LubaClarkLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.Luba.Clark@lmbcoerie.com
MarkCohnMark Cohn Insurancemarkcohn1@verizon.net
EricConsiglioLoesel-Schaaf Insurance Agency, Inc.econsiglio@lsinsure.com
DanielDestefanoLiberty Insurancedandestef@hotmail.com
ElliotDinkinCowden Associates, Inc.elliotd@cowdenassociates.com
JohnDonovanPrimePay, LLCjdonovan@primepay.com
BrianEllisAgora Benefits, LLCcellis@agoragroupins.com
JourdanEnglertThe Difference Cardjourdan.engler@gmail.com
JuanEscobarCTR Insurance & Benefits Services, LLCJuan.Escobar@CTRIBS.com
ChristopherFargotsteinCowden Associates, Inc.christopherf@cowdenassociates.com
ChaseFisherSolenture, LLCchase.fisher@solenture.com
MaggieFlemingNeishloss & Fleming, Incmfleming@neishloss.com
RichardGalardiniEmerson Reid/My Benefit Advisor, LLCrgalardini@hotmail.com
JessicaGalardiniMy Benefit AdvisorJessica.Galardini@mybenefitadvisor.com
WilliamGallagherHUB Internationalbill.gallagher@hubinternational.com
MichaelGarofaloAon Consultingmichael_garofalo@aon.com
DavidGordonDavevic Benefit Consultants, Inc.david@davevic.com
JessicaGrandeCowden Associates, Inc.jessicag@cowdenassociates.com
KellyHammanLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.kelly.hamman@lmbcoerie.com
KristenHankinsonNeishloss & Fleming, Inckhankinson@neishloss.com
JourdanHavriliakMorgan Benefits, LLCcsr@morganbenefitsllc.com
JillHendersonNeishloss & Flemingjillhenderson@neishloss.com
ChrisHolmesNeishloss & Fleming, Inccholmes@neishloss.com
ScottIngallsCognizant Benefits Solutions LLCscott@cognizantpa.com
JeffreyJohnstoneSenior Healthcare Specialists, LLCjjohnstone@seniorhealthcarespecialistsllc.com
MarkJurenaHHM Benefit Services, LLCmjurena@hhmbenefits.com
CarrieKadunceVision Benefits of Americackadunce@vbaplans.com
WilliamKirayNeishloss & Fleming, Incbkiray@neishloss.com
RobertLangHager Lang Settina, Incchip@hlsbenefits.com
JacobLautenCowden Associates, Inc.jacobl@cowdenassociates.com
VincentLewisPartners MGUvince.lewis@partnermgu.com
WilliamLillisLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.bill.lillis@lmbcoerie.com
WilliamLillisLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.william.lillis@lmbcoerie.com
JamesMahanApplied Systems, Inc.jc.mahan@appliedsystems.com
DaneMansfieldConsolidated Benfefits, Inc.dane.mansfield@cbibenefits.com
SusanMcKeeBenefits Network, Inc.susan.mckee@nfp.com
JamesMcKibbenLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.Jim.McKibben@lmbcoerie.com
JosephMillsCTR Insurance & Benefits Services, LLCjoey.mills@ctribs.com
DouglasMooreSeubert & Associates, Inc.dmoore@seubert.com
BeverlyMorganMorgan Benefits, LLCbmorgan@morganbenefitsllc.com
LisaMorrowLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.Lisa.Morrow@lmbcoerie.com
MildredMoschelDiversified Plan Services Incmmoschel@dpsvc.com
RobertNelsonRobert Nelson Agencyrtnelson@comcast.net
JosephNocaAmeritas Lifejnoca@pittsburghdi.com
R. ScottO'HalekManaged Benefits, Inc.scottohalek@managedbenefitsinc.com
RaymondPhillipsThe Brokers Source, Ltd.rphillips@brokerssource.com
ChristiePilgrimLillis, McKibben, Bongiovanni & Co.Christie.Pilgrim@lmbcoerie.com
KentonPorterBuilders Exchange Benefitskenton@bxbenfits.com
AJReevesEmerson Reidaj.reeves@emersonreid.com
JosephReschiniThe Reschini Groupjreschini@reschini.com
BrookeReynikCowden Associates, Inc.brooker@cowdenassociates.com
JamesRobickCorporate Benefits Consultants, Inc.jrobick@corpbenefit.com
TammySchollBABB, Inc.tjs@babbins.com
JohnScottiTeam Scottiteamscotti@teamscotti.com
DanielSeveroThe DJB Group, Inc.dan@djbgroup.com
BrianShipleyShipley Senior Benefitsbshipley2@neo.rr.com
DavidShullEBenefits Administrators, Inc.dshull@ebasolutions.health
DanSklenkaHurley Associatesdanielsklenka@hurley2.com
JosephStollThe Hartfordjoseph.stoll@thehartford.com
KrisStoverStover Financial Serviceskstover@stoverfinancial.com
DavidStraightNFP Pittsburghdave.straight@nfp.com
KevinSweeneyAlera Groupkevin.sweeney@aleragroup.com
ScottTovissiBuilders Exchange Benefits, Inc.scott@bxbenefits.com
RobertTurnbullNeishloss & Fleming, Incrturnbull@neishloss.com
LesaVotovichCowden Associates, Inc.lesav@cowdenassociates.com
LaureneWahlKnepper Insurance Grouplaw@knepperinsurance.com
KristinaWiegandMarsh & Mclennan Agencykristina.wiegand@marshmma.com
JocelynWolfEvolve Insurance Group LLC.Jocelyn@evolveinsurancegrp.com
Member List as of September 2022

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